Monthly Archives: March 2017
Gamut: Day of Reckoning
So, I’ll be one of the teachers for Gamut’s Day of Reckoning intensives.
One intense day with eight talented authors and teachers, plus feedback on up to eight different stories. All for only
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Strictly No Elephants: Lisa Mantchev
Lisa Mantchev is a temporally-displaced Capricorn who casts her spells from an ancient tree in the Pacific Northwest. When not scribbling, she is by turns an earth elemental, English professor, actress, artist, and domestic goddess. She shares her abode with her
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Mad Hatters and March Hares – Cover Art
Huzzah! Final cover art for the new Ellen Datlow anthology, Mad Hatters and March Hares, which contains stories inspired by the Alice mythos.
Table of Contents
“A Comfort, One Way” by Genevieve Valentine
“Alis” by Stephen Graham Jones
“All the King’s Men”
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Corpselight cover
Here’s the wraparound – and the praise (I like the praise)!
Praise for Corpselight
“The Fassbinder fun continues. The only-half-Normal Brisbane sleuth has fox-spirits, ninja librarians and much, much worse to deal with now, even as motherhood gives her a
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April Sneak Peek at Patreon
Over at Patreon, there’ s a little taste of next month’s reward for Monkshoods and above.
Book Launch: The Quarters
Not my book, no, but I am launching Dr Errol Bray’s new novel, The Quarters, at Avid Reader tonight. Details below – remember to book.
Prize-winning author Errol Bray’s novel The Quarters imagines an “uncivil”
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Who’s Afraid Too?: Maria Lewis
Photo by Alex Adsett
Maria Lewis got her start covering police rounds in a newsroom as a teenager and has been working as a professional journalist for the past 10 years. Making the switch from
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So, if you’ve noticed (and why wouldn’t you?) that the wonderful Mr John Llewellyn Probert has a new book out – The Lovecraft Squad: All Hallows Horror (that’s his cover to the left) – you might be thinking, “Well, where can I
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