Tag Archives: liz grzyb
In the mail: Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2013
Another beautiful volume in the Australian Best Of series from Ticonderoga Publications, edited by Liz Grzyb and Talie Helene.
Home and Huzzah
We’re home after a five week trip and this blog has been sorely neglected. A contrite series of catch-ups will be posted. Tomorrow, though, I must set aside my jetlag and related tendency to walk into
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Woot – first sale of 2012!
Very happy to announce that Lisa Hannett’s and my story “Prohibition Blues” has sold to Liz and Amanda at Ticonderoga Publications for the awesome and upcoming anthology Damnation and Dames.
There are shoes, werewolves, the Charleston, feathers, chases through swamps,
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Another nice surprise …
First advance author copies of the very lovely The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy & Horror 2010, edited by Liz Grzyb and Talie Helene. Publisher Russ had them stashed away and then handed them over to the kids in the candy store last night.
Added: Liz and Talie’s recommended reading list is here – I got 3 mentions, as did Brain, Felicity
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Shiny, shiny awards suitable for hand to hand combat
Brain (Lisa L Hannett) and I arrived in Sydney on Friday and promptly indulged in our major vice: ordering room service. We talked until late, then woke up to more room service (What??)
Then we went for
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Swancon Booty
Behold, the reasons why my luggage was so damned heavy on the way back from Perth … in addition to the books in the con showbag … and there may have been some clothing purchased too (shhhhhhh!).
And then there was Swancon
Con Report – Part the First
Yes, at last I get around to writing my con report – past experience has shown that I tend to leave this for far too long and then end up writing something along the lines of ‘I went to [insert location here] and stuff happened and much of it was awesome’. This time I will
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