Tag Archives: michael pryor

And Then interviews: Michael Pryor

Clan Destine Press is bringing out a new anthology And Then, and you can read interviews with the authors here over the next few weeks. There is also an Indiegogo campaign, to which y’all can contribute here.

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Choose Your Own Adventure!

247475_10200681771559468_599519055_nAnd so, in my spare time (HA!) I have agreed to be involved in the delightful Emily Craven’s Choose Your Own Adventure project – if you know anything about my schedule, you will be impressed by Emily’s powers of persuasion.
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Australis Imaginarium – cover and pre-ordery goodness

Oooooh, the cover at last. And the order-ish details are here http://fablecroft.com.au/australis-imaginarium/pre-order-australis-imaginarium

Basically, it’s a book of quintessentially Australian fables.

“Once a Month, on a Sunday” by Ian McHugh
“Night Heron’s Curse” by Thoraiya Dyer
“Hunter of Darkness, Hunter of Light” by Michael Pryor
“A Pig’s Whisper” by Margo Lanagan
“Stealing Free” by Deborah
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