Tag Archives: world fantasy con
Kaaron Warren: Tide of Stone
Today, the deceptively adorable Kaaron Warren talks specifically about her new novel, Tide of Stone, and about writing in general.
1. So, what do new readers need to know about Kaaron Warren?
I’ve been publishing fiction since 1993. Took me about
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SF Travel Fund: Send Haralambi Markov away!
To WFC in Saratoga Springs, NY.
Harry is not only a great reviewer, an informed critic, and an engaged and intelligent fan, he’s also a writer of considerable talent and vision.
So, if you’ve got a few spare dollars, throw them in
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Send Charles Tan Away!
A World SF travel fund has been set up by awesome folk such as Lavie Tidhar and Cheryl Morgan to send one person per year to a major SF event. This year the inaugural recipient will
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