Monthly Archives: April 2012

Tuesday Toot

Apparently, I can be in two places at once.

Over here at Alan Baxter’s place.

Tuesday Therapy

Over at the Hannettorium, I talk about the Art and Obligation of the Favour.

Go here.

New publisher, new book, oh so pretty!

*rubs hands together with glee*

Lovely new publisher, Egaeus Press (brain-child of Master Mark Beech), has produced its first tome, Shadow Plays, by the lovely Reggie Oliver.

Gorgeous looking thing! *waits impatiently for own copy to
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Interesting post from Dr Goss …

… over here, about the line between fantasy and fantasy writers.

For the record, this is precisely how I look when I write … except for the uggs, the dax of track, the bird’s best hair and
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Tuesday Therapy: Five Unrealistic Steps

Over at the Hannettorium Kim Falconer talks sense!

Go here.

So You Want to Write for A Franchise, Or Thanks for My New Kitchen, Mr Lucas: in the Lair with Karen Miller and Sean Williams

As readers of this column know, we regularly and without thought of consequences, kidnap our guests by means of a malfunctioning vortex manipulator. The problem with doing this to people who write
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