Monthly Archives: November 2015

Black Static 49

882_largeNot only does the most excellent Black Static issue 49 contain wonderful dark fiction by (among others) Thana Niveau, Simon Bestwick, and Erinn L. Kemper, but also a most kind review by Peter Tennant of The Bitterwood Bible
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And Then interviews: Alan Baxter

Clan Destine Press is bringing out a new anthology And Then, and you can read interviews with the authors here over the next few weeks. There is also an Indiegogo campaign, to which y’all can contribute here.

alan-by-nicole-web-cropRead more…

Meanwhile, over at Night Land Quarterly vol.3 …

nightland… my story “The Heart is a Mirror for Sinners” has been translated into Japanese for a special Gothic issue.

How good is this cover??

This story will appear in English next year.

And hopefully one day as a graphic
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Corvidae review

CORVIDAE-cover-resizedJorie Loves a Story reviews Corvidae from World Weaver Press, with some love for “Flight” – here!

RPPR talks She Walks In Shadows

shewalksinshadows2Have a listen! Here.

Also, you can purchase the anthology here.

The Bitterwood Bible and Other Recountings …

bitterwood-bible-cover-200x300… so Tartarus Press have about 100 copies of the limited edition hardcover of the WFA-winning The Bitterwood Bible and Other RecountingsĀ … next year will see the release of a paperback version … but if you love artefact books now would be
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So, this happened …

… and I will write a proper con report when the jetlag leaves me. But for now, enjoy the sight of HP with his cocktail umbrella, and Kelly Link and Helen Marshall trying to brain me.

howie Read more…