Category Archives: Pimping/Promoting!

Competition: Midnight and Moonshine

9781921857300-arc-cover11-200x300Sooooo, I’ve got a limited edition signed hardcover of Lisa’s and my collection/mosaic novel, Midnight and Moonshine. Details below …

The blurb:

The gods are dead, but will not be forgotten.

When Mymnir flees the devastation of Ragnarok, she hopes to escape all that
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sleeperHighResI’m really happy to be able to reveal this cover for my mate SM Johnston’s first book. Sleeper is book one of her Toy Soldiers series, coming atchya from Entranced Publishing.

The blurb for this new adult book reads:

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A.K.A. Livia Day

trifleMulti-award winning Fantasy author, Doctor Who commentator, PhD owner, caster of the pod Galactic Suburbia, and newly minted crime author, Tansy Rayner Roberts is one of the leading voices of the Australian Speculative Fiction Scene. I had a chat
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Weirder Shadows Over Innsmouth

Cover art (c) Les Edwards (Fedogan & Bremer hardcover)

I’m very excited to reveal that Weirder Shadows Over Innsmouth, the third volume in the Stephen Jones edited Innsmouth series, has its
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Hey, Katinka, it’s a bake-off

So, the Queensland Writers Centre is a’bubble, a’tremble, a’simmer with news of a bake-off.

A charity bake-off:

From November 15-30, QWC invades the kitchen for the first QWC bake-off in support of International Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month.

Go here
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The Next Big Thing

Welcome to my edition of The Next Big Thing, which is a chain of book and author recommendations – so far luminaries like Sarah Pinborough, Paul Magrs, and Adam Nevill. One author tags five others, who
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Yesterday’s moment of happiness

These arrived yesterday, the very beautiful Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2011 (thanks, Liz and Talie and Russ), AND a pre-release copy of Midnight and Moonshine.

Our gorgeous book, over which Lisa and I slaved and
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At the top of the TBR pile …

… is this shiny new anthology, A Season in Carcosa, edited by Joe S. Pulver.

Published by Miskatonic University Press, it contains stories by such leading lights as Allyson Bird, Cate Gardner, Gary McMahon, Simon Stranzas, Laird Barron, Michael
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Mini-review: Nowhere Hall

When Publishers Weekly describes someone as “…a rising purveyor of high literary strangeness…” a reader can justifiably hope for more than a touch of awesome in a chapbook called Nowhere Hall written by a writer known only
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Mini-review: What Gets Left Behind

To celebrate FantasyCon in Brighton, here’s a review of Spectral’s newest chapbook, Mark West’s good old-fashioned scary What Gets Left Behind.

The blurb is as follows:

In 1981, Gaffney was terrorised by the Rainy Day Abductor.

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