Tag Archives: Norse Mythology

Midnight and Moonshine

You know, five years ago (or almost) Lisa L. Hannett and I released our Norse-inflected, fairytale-y, myth-saturated, damned sexy mosaic collection, Midnight and Moonshine.

The cover art is by the wonderful Kathleen Jennings, and the Introduction by the equally
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Midnight and Moonshine

midnight-and-moonshineYou know what? Four and a bit years ago, Lisa L. Hannett and I wrote this book, Midnight and Moonshine. We’re very proud of it.

Feeling a bit Norse mythology-y? Want white ravens, Fae, werewolves, moonshine makers, fire giants, voodoo,
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Talking About Our Collaboration!

Over at the Tor.com Tube of You channel, Lisa and I talk about collaboration, specifically on Midnight and Moonshine.

And talk and talk and talk!

Midnight and Moonshine: new in eBook form!

midnight-and-moonshineAt last, it’s here: Midnight and Moonshine is up at Amazon, ready for downloading to your Kindle’ish devices, people!

The gods are dead, but will not be forgotten.

When Mymnir flees the devastation of Ragnarok, she hopes
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Midnight and Moonshine comp

mmThe bag for the M&M competition on Goodreads has arrived!

Kathleen’s artwork for this book always makes me catch my breath.

Go here to enter.

Goodreads Giveaway: Midnight and Moonshine

182093_10151161584292304_926690766_nWe’re running a new Goodreads Giveaway, this one for Lisa’s and my Aurealis Award finalist Midnight and Moonshine. There is also a bag with the M&M cover art on it, by the wonderful Kathleen Jennings, of course.

To enter, pls go
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