Tag Archives: Restoration

Locus Interview Extract

There’s an extract of my interview with Locus Magazine over at Locus online.

“I worked with intent. My thought was, I’m 37, and I want to give this a real go to do it as a career. I
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The Gina


Just plugging last edits into Restoration, powered by the kindness of the housemates who bring me cocktails (one a night so it’s not terrifying, drunken editing that makes Beloved Publisher cry).

I’m sitting in the Boatman’s low dark craft.
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It Might Not Look Like It …

… but I am actually busy planning to launch Restoration in August this year.

Badges, candy, cupcakes, Dr Kim, the Brisbane City Square Library and its magnificent staff, my family heckling from the front row.

Oh, it’s all happening.

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And so, Restoration

Since I had word last night from The Beloved Publisher (AKA Jo Fletcher) that she doesn’t hate the new Verity novel, Restoration, (in fact she’s really rather fond of it), I shall post this in happiness and relief. Coming in August 2018.

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Sharp Things

So I’m generally not allowed near sharp objects but in the interests of research I was today given training with several swords.

I needed to get some good info for Restoration, the final Verity book, so I contacted my
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Writing Restoration – when the story bites back

Where did this come from? I don’t know! All manner of consequences are biting V in
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Avid Reader: Science Fiction & Fantasy Bookclub – Angela Slatter

So, I’ll be at the Avid Reader Science Fiction & Fantasy Bookclub chatting with Trent Jamieson on 31 July at 6.30pm! We’ll be talking about writing and Brisneyland, and Vigil and Corpselight, and maybe even a
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Working on …

Hind-Girl… getting The Tallow-Wife and Other Tales finished by the end of January before I start on the third and final Verity Fassbinder book, Restoration.

Here’s a sample from one of the The Tallow-Wife tales, “Embers and Ash”. Keen-eyed readers will
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