Tag Archives: VanderMeer’s Finch

Locus Awards

Yes, I’m behind (as always – why do you look so surprised?), but below’s the list of the 2010 Locus Awards Finalists. Some great names there (very happy to see Mary Robinette Kowal there!), but what I’m really looking forward to is the showdown between Mieville’s The City & The City and VanderMeer’s Finch … I have it on good authority there
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The Reading-Beside-the-Bed Pile

Post-Christmas luncheon (during which I ate my own body weight in turkey, ham, chicken and trifle – trifle is an honourary protein), I am half-reclined on the bed in the manner of Goya’s Maja (but with more clothes) contemplating the reading pile on the nightstand.

Am a third of the way through Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – which I
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