Category Archives: Random

Is me … and will be me for a while

If you could turn this into a wheel, that would be more appropriate.

*goes back to grindstone*

Snurched from somewhere in the internetz

Snurched from somewhere in the internetz

And so, WFC

IMG_1774I figure I’d better write this now while I still have some memory of the events of the trip! First and foremost, I was a plague rat for most of my time in the UK, and the consensus from friends
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Bookshelf Consolidation

1622030_10151937457747304_943120332_nMy bookshelves are in a bit of disarray at the moment, still having not been sorted out two and a half years after I moved in with the Tech Support Badger. So I took some time this morning to
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Also, art happened


What I look like now if you’re looking for me at WFC.


What I would
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This, just this

Thanks, Sebastien Millon

Thanks, Sebastien Millon

Yeah, I should be writing …

JoinTheRealm_sigil.png… but gave me the chance to waste time doing this.

And now I shall go back to writing.


‘Ripley! You blew the trans-axle, you’re just grinding metal!’

Why yes, Corporal Hicks, you’re right.

Unlike some of my friends, I cannot force my brain to write all the time. A really important realisation for me in the last couple of years is that I’m not a machine
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This is today …

1.30am brain hates you (and by ‘you’ I mean me)

So last night I was up until 2am working over a story that is due very soon.

It’s one that has required a LOT of restructuring and Frankensteining, flesh-sculpting and strong-arming – in fact, to a level that I
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Dear Teen Staff at Woolies (Toowong)

Dear Teen Staff at Woolies (Toowong),

I, too, was a checkout chick – for three years (the last two of high school and the first of uni). Yes, it was boring, but it taught me patience – well, to
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