Tag Archives: xoum

Alive …

tallow… still alive, but I’ve been banging my head against deadlines.

On the upside, I’ve met all the ones I needed to for other people, so now I can start on the ones I’ve set for myself (i.e. final novel edit on
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And so, Narrow Daylight

Many years ago (okay, 2006) I began what I thought would be a novel called Narrow Daylight. It’s not my usual thing, there’s a distinct lack of supernatural or fantastical or horrific elements. It’s about the affect of a suicide on a family, how it tears lives apart, re-opens old wounds, and how secrets leak out.

It didn’t become a novel,
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Xoum, Xoum, Xoum

Sorry, couldn’t resist. But look!

Two new titles from the punchy digital press Xoum.

On the left, we
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