Monthly Archives: July 2014

Two by Teodor Reljic

teodorThe rather delightful Teodor Reljic writes fiction, co-edits Schlock Magazine, and is also the culture editor and film critic at MaltaToday. His debut novel is Two, a special kind of coming-of-age
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Spectral Book of Horror Stories: Nicholas Royle’s This Video Does Not Exist


The multi-talented Mr Nicholas Royle is not only a writer, but also a senior lecturer in creative writing at the Manchester Writing School, and runs the acclaimed Nightjar Press. He’s edited sixteen anthologies and is the author of seven
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Over at Thirteen O’Clock …

CAM01466…  Andrew McKiernan gives Home and Hearth a very kind review.

This review will be short, because ‘Home and Hearth’ is short. That’s not to say the length in any way diminishes its strength or impact. Instead, the growing
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Snapshot 2014

snaphotlogo20142The 2014 Snapshot of Australian Speculative Fiction is being conducted even as I type.

The lovely Random Alex interviews me over here.

And the rest of the Snapshots can be viewed at these various blogs:
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Spectral Book of Horror Stories: Helen Marshall’s Funeral Rites

Helen Marshall Author Photo

Helen Marshall is the author of the British Fantasy award-winning Hair Side, Flesh Side (which is indeed brilliant), Gifts for the One Who Comes After and The Sex Lives of Monsters, as well as many short stories scattered
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EXILECover_LargeAn embarrassment of riches! My friend and write club buddy, Peter M. Ball, has had his novella, Exile, released into the wild. You should read it because you’d have to go a long way to find a better
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Spectral Book of Horror Stories: Alison Littlewood’s The Dog’s Home


Alison Littlewood is the author of the thoroughly unsettling A Cold Season, The Path of Needles, and The Unquiet House – it’s therefore entirely appropriate for her to be in The Spectral Book of Horror Stories! She’s been kind enough
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Spectral Book of Horror Stories: Stephen Volk’s Newspaper Heart

S_volk2MA9314721-0001Mr Stephen Volk is the mind behind such gems as Gothic, Ghostwatch, and Afterlife … please take a moment to indulge in the traditional Wayne’s World “We’re not worthy” obeisance. Done? Excellent. He’s been quite rightly
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Cover Story: The Spectral Book of Horror Stories

sh editor topOver at his website, artist Vincent Chong talks about the inspiration and process behind the cover for the upcoming Spectral Book of Horror Stories from Spectral Press, edited by Mark Morris.

Go here for the scoop.


Black-Winged Angels: Proofing

BWAYesterday I spent the entire day going through the galley for Black-Winged Angels, my reprint collection coming in August from the lovely folk at Ticonderoga Publications.

It also gave me a chance to see how beautifully the papercuts by Kathleen Jennings
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