Category Archives: On Writing: Short Stories

New Service: Ask Me Anything

Art by Kathleen Jennings

NEWS FLASH: New Service

I’m trialling a new service from the start of June, which is the Ask Me Anything zoom. You can ask me anything about writing and publishing during a 40 minute zoom call.

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New Service at The Flensing Factory

New Service: Read and Report

The “read and report” option is just that: instead of editing your work, I’ll read your short story and write you a report about what works and what doesn’t.

What you’ll get: I will read your story and write
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Nightmare Magazine!

Issue 99 of Nightmare Magazine is up!

Or bits of it as it’s a staggered release kind of thing. But all sorts of goodies await, including my horror story “The Wrong Girl”, which is released into the
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Review: The Heart is a Mirror for Sinners

Hello, my poor neglected blog.

Here’s a lovely review from Carina Bissett of this year’s collection The Heart is a Mirror for Sinners and Other Stories.

The Heart is a Mirror for Sinners & Other Stories by Angela Slatter (PS Publishing,
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For a Halloween Snack

Stephen J. Clark’s “Homunculus”

Here’s my short story “Sourdough” …


by Angela Slatter

My father did not know that my mother knew about his other wives, but she did.

It didn’t seem to bother her, perhaps because, of them all,
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The Horror, The Horror VII

So, I’ll be teaching this in July along with luminaries Lynda E. Rucker, S.P. Miskowski, and Michael Cisco – Writing Horror Fiction with Substance.

My week will be all about self-editing for writers, how to get your work
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Despatches from KSP – Day 14: How to Commit Critique

Art by Kathleen Jennings

Art by Kathleen Jennings

Despatches from KSP – Day 14: How to Commit Critique

Well, this will be my last Despatch from KSP! Tomorrow I head home to Brisneyland and my normal life.
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More Talking: Angela and Lisa on the Love-Hate Relationship with Short Stories

SorrowsandSuch_FINAL_hiresStill talking! 😛

Lisa and I on loving and hating short vs long stories.

On Short Fiction by Damien Angelica Walters

astro header 925Over at Layers of Thought, the very talented Damien Angelica Walters talks about one of my favourite topics: short fiction.

I keep reading that short fiction is making a comeback. To that I say, did it ever go away?
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The Female Factory: Vox

FemaleFactory-coverWhen Alisa approached us about doing one of the Twelve Planets, we readily agreed. Then, having sprung her trap, she added “But make it more science fictiony.”

Cue Mo Szyslak from The Simpsons … “Whaaaaaa?”

Undeterred, and a little heavy of heart,
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