Tag Archives: angela slatter

New Book Deal!

Wanted poster by the Very Kathleen Jennings

This is news I’ve been sitting on for a wee while and dying to share!

I’ve signed a new seven-book deal with Titan, which means three new novels (set
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Briar Book – ARC!

The ARC of The Briar Book of the Dead arrived this afternoon and is finally in my grabby, grabby paws! I’m so excited to get my hands on this and have it as a real book instead of the wild dream
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Australian Shadows Awards

Photo by Cat Sparks

The Australian Shadows Awards for 2022 publications were announced yesterday at Asylumfest 2023 and The Path of Thornswon best novel! Thanks to Cat Sparks and Kirstyn McDermott for letting me know.

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Briar Book – cover quotes

Oh, we’re starting to get some lovely cover quotes in for The Briar Book of the Dead! Huge thanks to Juliet Marillier, Alison Littlewood and Kathleen Jennings for their kind words, and to Titan’s marketing mavens for making these pretty little cards!Read more…

Headless Horseman Halloween Annual 2023

The inaugural Dark Horse Comics Headless Horseman Halloween Annual is creepy closer! Look at those creators!! And Lukas Ketner’s Dark Equestrian! Five terrifying stories in 56 full colour pages …


Angela Slatter, David Dastmalchian
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The Wrong Girl & Others Warnings

For a book that’s not actually out yet, The Wrong Girl & Other Warnings is getting read a lot! Brain Jar Press get their pre-orders out ahead of time – and because they print in-the-country-of-your-ordering, it’s
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In my hot little hands

My Shirley Jackson Award for Best Novella arrived!

What a pretty thing it is – both a functioning sundial and compass.

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The secret is out: Celsius 232

I’m so very delighted to announce that I’ll be a guest at Celsius 232 next year in Avilés, Spain!

Can’t wait for my first trip ever to Spain and to discuss books with readers!

The Flensing Factory Re-opens

So, the Flensing Factory is open once more, with different offerings. 

Click for details.

Cover Reveal: The Briar Book of the Dead

I’m so happy! You might be able to hear the delighted squeeeeeing. That’s me looking at the cover for The Briar Book of the Dead, which is coming out in Feb of 2024 from Titan Books. Did I mention it’s available for pre-order?

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