Tag Archives: cate gardner

Alan Baxter considers Spectral Press


Snoopy Dancing news

Great news the other day: I finished (at last!) my first piece of fiction since I submitted my brain-shredding PhD. The idea occurred to me about 4 weeks post-PhD but then it took me about 7 weeks to finally get everything on paper and then edited and
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The Pinstripe Drive-by: Cate Gardner

Cate Gardner, she of the clever and creepy Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits*, is the third cab off the chapbook rank at Spectral Press. Following true to form for this lovely independent press, her contribution Nowhere Hall,
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The Spectral Drive-by: Simon Marshall-Jones

Simon Marshall-Jones, he of the rambling tattooed head, is an editor, publisher, artist, blogger and writer. Not content with this list, he is also a reviewer for Beyond Fiction and BookGeeks. He started Spectral Press not so long ago,
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