Tag Archives: jeff vandermeer

More VanderMeerish Wisdom

Jeff has posted some general tips on the uses of PR – another excerpt from the Most Excellent Booklife.

Follow the linkage … http://www.jeffvandermeer.com/2009/05/12/booklife-excerpt-general-tips-on-pr/

Writing Week – The Autopsy

So, here I sit back at work after a week away, doing nothing but writing.

Okay, I lie.

I didn’t just write. I threw temper tantrums. I ate astonishing amounts of choclit and consumed such vast quantities of sugar that for brief periods (before the inevitable sugar crash) I could
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I haz a complaint

It just must have been the day for it. I heard the same question so many times today that I started to wonder if I was in Groundhog Dog or if someone was just messing with me.

Every second person wanted to be introduced to a literary agent (one in four wanted to be
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Clarity + Specificity = Authority OR How to Make the Lie Work

Art by Kathleen Jennings

Thinky Thinkerton has booked the smallest room in Hotel Brain and has been contemplating authorial authority (yes, she’s a nerd with a lot of time on her hands). Basically, I’ve been wondering this: how do
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I give you the new Writer's Bible: Booklife


I have been fortunate enough to beta-read this and everything in it is useful and wise. On at least four occasions I found solutions to writerly problems I was suffering. Best of all, it’s written by a writer – a real writer who’s already experienced and overcome the issues and offers up sensible, workable solutions
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Your Writing is Not You – or How to Interpret/Deal with Writerly Rejections

I received two email rejections yesterday from pretty high-profile spec-fic magazines and no one can quite understand why I’m not depressed. Okay, there were all those choclit patches, but the main reason was that the rejections fell into the category of ‘good’ rejections. There was no need for devastation, weeping, wailing, howling and throwing myself onto the eighteenth-century
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Stray Thoughts on Long Sentences

My writerly posts seem to have been few and far between lately. Possibly because my brain hasn’t been working or has been infected by a case of ‘wombatitis’, which is a lesser known but still virulent strain of laziness. But I have taken some tablets (okay, half a block of choclit) to combat the wombatitis and
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Clarion South – Redux

An interview on Tor.com by the excellent Matt Staggs with Clarion South Convenors and general powerhouses, Kate Eltham and Rob Hoge.


On Writing Processes, Old Dogs and New Tricks, Changing Horses Mid-stream and Mixed Metaphors

The blinding moment of clarity I had this week came as a result of some VanderMeerish sagacity.

You see, post-Clarion I’ve been trying to become one of those writers who write something every day. Every damned day. That’s in addition to doing the things that are attached to the business of being writerly: checking submissions, accepting rejections, dancing in an undignified
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The Clarion Post We Had to Have – Part One

(This is long – go get a coffee, maybe a biscuit … off you go, I’ll wait … )

And so, it is now almost two weeks since seventeen Clarion South 2009 alums left our luxurious digs at Kelvin Grove and returned to our everyday lives only to find that we no longer
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