Tag Archives: karen miller

Midnight and Moonshine: new in eBook form!

midnight-and-moonshineAt last, it’s here: Midnight and Moonshine is up at Amazon, ready for downloading to your Kindle’ish devices, people!

The gods are dead, but will not be forgotten.

When Mymnir flees the devastation of Ragnarok, she hopes to
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So You Want to Write for A Franchise, Or Thanks for My New Kitchen, Mr Lucas: in the Lair with Karen Miller and Sean Williams

As readers of this column know, we regularly and without thought of consequences, kidnap our guests by means of a malfunctioning vortex manipulator. The problem with doing this to people who write Star
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Dr Hannett’s Tuesday Therapy: Karen Miller

Go here for today’s advice!

T’is the season to be meh …

Yes, it’s that time of the year when EoYM strikes.

That’s End of Year Malaise, a term coined many years ago by my old pal and sparring partner, Charlie Sutton. It describes the period from the beginning
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Airing the briefs

Over at Deborah Biancotti’s place, she’s running a series of Blog Briefs on Burnout. Mine is there today, and there’s a great series of wisdoms from clever folk like Karen Miller, Sean Williams, Martin Livings and Tansy Rayer
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Karen Miller on Why Bad is so much Better when it comes to fiction

The lovely and talented Karen Miller (her latest tome is to the left) has blogged for Orbit on Why Bad is so much Better when it comes to fiction.

So, two of my all-time favourite fictional characters aren’t actually in books, but on screen. And they were
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Awesome comment from Karen Miller last night at dinner: Every character lives somewhere inside you.

Geek Syndicate shows excellent taste …

… by talking to Karen Miller as part of their Women in Genre Fiction series 🙂

I remember way back in 2007 when I picked up Innocent Mage here in the UK,  how blown away I was by your writing.  I haunted your website and became all chatty with you via my livejournal account.  You were always very gracious to all your readers
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This Week's Drive-by: Karen Miller

Karen Miller is a best-selling Australian fantasy author. She brought back the duopoly (take that trilogies!) … then she wrote some trilogies, too, and they were awesome (take that, duopolies!). Her work includes the Kingmaker, Kingbreaker duopoly, the Godspeaker Trilogy, two Stargate SG1 tie-ins, three Star Wars novels (including Stealth, which has just gone for a third printing), and, as
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The 2010 Australian Specfic Snapshot is Occuring as We Speak

 (Thank you, Lolcats)

I answer questions over here for the redoubtable Girlie Jones http://girliejones.livejournal.com/1553106.html.

Other far more interesting people like Karen Miller, Lisa Hannett, Peter M Ball and Garth Nix answer questions over here:
