Tag Archives: kim newman

Aurealis Awards Shortlists!

The Aurealis Awards Shortlists for work published in 2020 is out and I’m delighted to see that my collection The Heart is a Mirror for Sinners is on the shortlist for Best Collection. I’m in the best company possible with friends! Juliet Marillier,
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New Collection: The Heart is a Mirror for Sinner and Other Stories

My new collection from PS Publishing is available for pre-order! The Heart is a Mirror for Sinners and Other Stories has 14 stories (12 reprints and two new), and an Introduction from the marvellous Mr Kim Newman.

The ToC:

Tin Soldier
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New Collection

I’m delighted to announce that I’ll have a new short story collection out next year via the wonderful PS Publishing, The Best Stories of Angela Slatter. The cover is still in the works but we’ll reveal that
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The Lovecraft Squad: Dreaming

Fantastic review of The Lovecraft Squad: DreamingĀ (Stephen Jones, ed.) by the Sci-Fi and Fantasy Reviewer.

The Lovecraft Squad: DreamingĀ is a hugely enjoyable anthology, and Stephen Jones has once again worked his magic as editor to pull together some of the best
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New Collection!

Delighted to say that I’ve signed a contract with the wondrous PS Publishing for a new collection of stories, due out in 2019.

Twelve reprints, two new
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The Lovecraft Squad: Dreaming

Cover reveal for the next instalment in the Stephen Jones curated mosaic novel, The Lovecraft Squad: Dreaming.

I’ve got a story in here, along with such luminaries as Kim Newman, Pete Adkins, Brian Hodge, Lisa Morton, Lynda E. Rucker, Michael Marshall
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Shadow Writer: Paul Kane

Hello, 2018, sorry I’ve been slow – been having a bit of a nap. But almost awake now, so let’s get to it.

I thought we’d start the year with an interview with the lovely Mr Paul
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Cover Reveal for The Lovecraft Squad: Waiting

I’m delighted to be part of this mosaic!

The Lovecraft Squad: Waiting will be out this Halloween with stories by myself, Brian Hodge, Reginald Oliver, Michael Marshall Smith, Steve Rasnic Tem, Peter Atkins, Richard Gavin, Jay Russell, Thana
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lsSo, if you’ve noticed (and why wouldn’t you?) that the wonderful Mr John Llewellyn Probert has a new book out – The Lovecraft Squad: All Hallows Horror (that’s his cover to the left) – you might be thinking, “Well, where can I
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The Mammoth Book of the Mummy: 19 Tales of the Immortal Dead

mummy-ukWell, the UK edition of The Mammoth Book of the Mummy: 19 Tales of the Immortal Dead edited by Paula Guran will be out in January 2017!

Time to pre-order your copy, peeps – read it and do your research before
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