Monthly Archives: November 2012

And so, today is the day

Tonight, we launch Midnight and Moonshine – huzzah!

Lisa Hannett has arrived in Brisneyland, the books are here (man, I hope the books are here), Avid Reader is girding its loins for the onslaught, Russ the Publisher will be flying
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This is what my friends do

My old mate, Lee McGowan, wanders around libraries when he’s not writing or
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Inappropriate author behaviour tips

Okay, as part of a series of public service announcements for authors in general I’m going to occasionally do some posts about inappropriate author behaviour.

While you may think some of these are ‘promotional opportunities’ for your own work
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U on Sunday

An interview with me in the U on Sunday mag (the Sunday Mail’s colour supplement) appears today.

I talk about stuff.

Thanks to journalist Leanne Edmistone for such a lovely article.


And …

… mine, mine, mine, mine.


That is all.

Out in the Wild

Yes! Midnight and Moonshine is being delivered all over the country (or, y’know, in bits of it). First two reports of arrivals are in from Melbourne.

What we (Lisa and I) would love to see are photos
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Become a Citizen – without worrying about the brain bugs

Yes, go to Clarkesworld, the provider of quality fiction from luminaries such as Lisa L. Hannett, Theodora Goss, E. Catherine Tobler and Genevieve Valentine, and become a citizen today.

Clarkesworld needs you – and you get
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Thank you, Harry Markov …

… for introducing me to Miz Emily Carroll, who lives here.

His Face All Red is so wonderful and creepy and perfect!!

I want her to turn Sourdough and Other Stories into a graphic novel.

And so, back to the novel

Back to editing the first half of Brisneyland by Night today. To remind myself what it’s about, here is the opening:

Brisneyland by Night

‘How many kids now?’ I asked.

‘Twenty-five we can identify for sure. But that’s out of
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The pirate story I wasn’t going to write

So, yes, pirates have made it into The Bitterwood Bible collection. I was, initially, unwilling to even try this as Pirates of the Caribbean has really ruined it for us all, but then Maude kept clearing her throat
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