Monthly Archives: May 2013

Why do the voices in my head never tell me to go to Paris?

bartIt’s unfair, really. As a writer, there are a lot of voices in my head – fortunately for you all, I channel their suggestions into my writing. Otherwise: man, we’d all be in trouble.

I started a story last night, which is
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Haze is launching …

haze-launch-invite… so Paula Weston’s new novel Haze is being launch on Thursday 6 June at Riverbend Books. Details are here.

Go along – you know you want to.

Rise of the Fallen

rise of the fallenI’ve been fortunate enough to receive a copy of Teagan Chilcott’s debut novel Rise of the Fallen. Not only is it Teagan’s debut, but it’s also the first speculative fiction book to come from Australia’s oldest
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217307_10151454324692304_275465117_nMy new hoodie has arrived from Redbubble, embellished by one of the genius designs of Kathleen Jennings.

I shall wear it always.

A Killer Among Demons

469008_10151452658742304_1302958185_oThis is what I’ve been doing this morning, going over the galleys for my story “Cuckoo” in the A Killer Among Demons anthology from Dark Prints Press.

Soon to follow: a rundown of the Literati festival on the
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The most important thing I can tell you …

fc,550x550,creme.u1… is that Kathleen has put the Flash Gordon and the ducks designed up at Redbubble.

Go here.

As my birthday gift to myself, I am getting it in a green hoodie.

Also, tomorrow I teach a 3 hr masterclass at the
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And now we do the dance of happiness …

CAM00122… because this arrived from Redbubble.

Kathleen Jennings is putting her designs (slowly, oh so slowly. HINT!) there for transmutation into magnificent t-shirts and hoodies and stuffs, oh my!

You should go here and order something and encourage her to make
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Wise Words

919661_10151440650822304_346270463_oThe lovely Meg Vann, CEO of the Queensland Writers Centre, writes her monthly letter to members and it goes out with our copies of WQ magazine.

A very talented writer herself, Meg hits on a basic truth here.

Yes, I am still here …

The Scream by Munch

The Scream by Munch

… you can hear me breathing and no, not in a creepy phonecall kind of way.

Having returned from the whirlwind of Conflux in Canberra, barely escaping mummification by the hotel’s heating system (BTW:
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sleeperHighResI’m really happy to be able to reveal this cover for my mate SM Johnston’s first book. Sleeper is book one of her Toy Soldiers series, coming atchya from Entranced Publishing.

The blurb for this new adult book
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