Tag Archives: Jeffrey Ford

The Year’s Best Dark Fantasy & Horror: 2017

ybdfh17mock300Huzzah! The lovely Paula Guran has released the ToC for The Year’s Best Dark Fantasy & Horror: 2017 (Prime Books). Most excellent company to be in! My story “The Red Forest” (the new story from my reprint horror collection Read more…

Mad Hatters and March Hares

John Tennial's wonderful Alice

John Tennial’s wonderful Alice

Huzzah! A new anthology from Ellen Datlow, Mad Hatters and March Hares, will be published by Tor next year.

I’m very excited to have a story in this (representing with Kaaron Warren), along with
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2015 Rundown and highlights

Well, this post is only about six weeks late. Not too shabby. Not too shabby at all. I’ll mix the WFC post with a 2015 rundown post, methinks, and get it all out of the way in one fell swoop.

So, 2015: stuff happened.

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A Book of Bizarre Myths and Chimerical Fancies



I’m so delighted to have a piece of writing in this gorgeous Bestiary that accompanies Viktor Koen’s amazing mixed media photography.

Ellen Datlow pulled together all the writers for this, including Pat Cadigan,
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Molly Tanzer: Vermilion

mollyThe wonderful Molly Tanzer’s astonishing Vermilion is out and you should read it. Yes, you should.

Set is the Wild Weird West, Publishers Weekly described it as “…a splendid page-turner of a Weird West adventure … this hugely entertaining mixture of
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In the Mail: Letters to Lovecraft

LtLMy shiny new contributor’s copies of Letters to Lovecraft have arrived! Thanks, Jesse Bullington and Stone Skin Press.

I get to share space with luminaries such as Gemma Files, Jeffrey Ford, Tim Lebbon, Molly Tanzer, Livia Llewellyn, Nick Mamatas, et al.

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Letters to Lovecraft Roster of Contributors

hpAnd so here it is at last, the announcement I’ve been sitting on for a while.

Letters to ol’ po-face himself, H P Lovecraft. An anthology from Stone Skin Press, edited by the delightful Jesse Bullington, with stories from luminaries such
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Letters to Lovecraft: A billet-doux from Stone Skin Press

Stone Skin Press have announced a new anthology – and a teasing tantalising portion of the ToC – Letters to Lovecraft.

The stories all take Old Sad Face’s seminal essay “Supernatural Horror in Literature” as their starting point. ‘The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of
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A repost – unlike refried beans

From Crackpot Palace, a repost:

The inimitable Jeffrey Ford advises that that Steampunk II: Steampunk Reloaded is out and about.

Steampunk Reloaded, an anthology edited by Jeff and Ann VanderMeer, from Tachyon, is reportedly out in book stores.  It contains my story about a steam plague, “Dr. Lash Remembers,” which is mischeviously meddled with by
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The Shadow Drive-by: Jeffrey Ford

Portrait by Gerard Wickham

In the dictionary under the word ‘prolific’ there is a picture of Jeffrey Ford. Under the word ‘ubiquitous’ it just says ‘see prolific’ … not coz they mean the same thing … but they both mean Jeffrey Ford. His awards include those of
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