Tag Archives: tansy rayner roberts
Apparently ‘remiss’ is my new middle name
Tansy Rayner Roberts has been Rocking the Romanpunk and celebrating Matrons of Awesome in Roman history … and I’ve only just remembered to draw attention to it.
Go here for education and
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Best Font Ever
I don’t know from whence it came originally, but I stole it from Dr Tansy and she got it from Dr Helen Merrick – it comes from Doctors, it must be legit! 😀
Shiny, shiny awards suitable for hand to hand combat
Brain (Lisa L Hannett) and I arrived in Sydney on Friday and promptly indulged in our major vice: ordering room service. We talked until late, then woke up to more room service (What??)
Then we went for
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Swancon Booty
Behold, the reasons why my luggage was so damned heavy on the way back from Perth … in addition to the books in the con showbag … and there may have been some clothing purchased too (shhhhhhh!).
Oh, Squeeee! At long last: The Twelve Planets
Twelfth Planet Press has announced all their authors for the Twelve Planets series you may have seen me talk about here in the past. I’m so excited about the roll call for this project as it is made of awesome with some fabtastic sauce and glittery
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The Twelfth Planety Drive-by: Alisa Krasnostein
Alisa Krasnostein is the unsleeping powerhouse that is the engine of Twelfth Planet Press. Really, she doesn’t sleep – email her at any hour of the day or night and she’ll reply. Go ahead. Try it. See? Told ya.
TPP has produced
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Driving-By: Tansy Rayner Roberts
Tansy Rayner Roberts’ Power and Majesty has just burst forth onto the scene … a little like an alien birth but with more sequins and glitter … actually,
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Ditmar Voting
(snurched from Jason Fischer)
Looks like it’s time for Ditmar voting again. As this is the year of AussieCon4, it’s a great chance to showcase some antipodean talent.
Tehani Wessely is compiling a list, checking it twice, for eligible Aussies – it lives here https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AhAUWipZqrNWdFljalBZWmJwSnc1cTJVT2s0ZnlMLVE&hl=en_GB#gid=0
It also seems I have four stories eligible:
Light as Mist, Heavy as Hope
The Girl with No Hands
Other awesome
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The Creature Court is In Session
Tansy Rayner Roberts’ Power and Majesty has been released into the wild. Beautiful cover. Waiting for my copy to arrive *tapping fingers on desk*