Tag Archives: the bitterwood bible and other recountings

The Tallow-Wife and Other Tales

An extract from the Afterword:

This book has taken a long time to write.

I began it at the end of 2013, after The Bitterwood Bible and Other Recountings had been sent off to Tartarus Press. I was fortunate enough to be
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New Two-Book Deal!

Art by Kathleen Jennings

I’m absolutely delighted to say that, thanks to the excellent work of my beloved agent Meg Davis (Ki Agency), I’ve signed a two-book deal with Cath Trechman of Titan Books.

The novel currently known as Blackwater
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I’ve hit the halfway point on my new novel, Morwood, so I thought I’d share the first chapter and the piece of art that inspired the story. This painting is by Ruth Sanderson and I first saw it at WFC in
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As always art by Kathleen Jennings coz wolves and candlesticks and pouffy skirts …

So, I spent most of last year and the first few months of this year working on a novel called Blackwater. It’s a gothic fantasy
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New Novel

So, I’ve started writing a new novel, Morwood.

Like Blackwater it’s a gothic fantasy set in the Sourdough/Bitterwood world, and I’m at the stage where I love it. It’s new and pretty and we’re in our honeymoon period.

Here’s a first draft
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Halloween #3: (Vaguely) Witchy Things I’ve Written That You Can Read for Free

Artwork by Kathleen Jennings for The Bitterwood Bible and Other Recountings

Right, so some more Samhain love: links to (Vaguely) Witchy Things I’ve Written That You Can Read for Free.

Thank you to all the wonderful publishers who’ve loved these
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Re-stocked The Bitterwood Bible cards today, and remembered how much I love the cover of the book. Kathleen Jennings’ artwork always seems to be drawn straight from my head.

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Heading back into …

… the lands of the Sourdough/Bitterwood world …

“Books were in the blood of the Briars; Sandor, great-great-great-grandfather of the clan, was a collector (less frequently a bookseller for he could hardly bear to part with the things), especially of tomes
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I’m Not Crying, YOU’RE Crying!

I just opened my birthday present from my Best Brain, Sister-Brain, Frequent Collaborator and Conspirator, Lisa L. Hannett.

Sure, it’s a month late, but Best Brains care not for such trivialities of time and space, for we are Immortal (or have
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Meanwhile, over at Gamut …

Luke Spooner

… my vampire story, “The Night Stair” (from the World Fantasy Award-winning The Bitterwood Bible and Other Recountings), is being reprinted in four parts. First part is up today, so if you’re a
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