Monthly Archives: October 2009
One of My Favourite Places in the (Virtual) World
I love this little shop on Etsy:
It’s where I got my Steampunk Book of Spells pendant (which I spend much time answering questions about – the main question being “From whence did that come?”) … the site is filled with pretties and unique thingies … steampunkish, fairytaley whatsits …
Shiny goodness lives
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Over at Marshall's Clubhouse, Amal talks about passive-aggressive alphabets and women with bells in their lips
An excellent interview from the master of the Super-Sekrit Clubhouse, Marshall Payne, with Amal El-Mohtar:
Amal El-Mohtar is an admired poet, fiction writer, and editor of the online poetry ‘zine Goblin Fruit. She recently won the Rhysling Award for her poem “Song for an Ancient City.” She describes herself as a Canadian-born child of the Mediterranean, and is currently pursuing a
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Sekret …
All will be revealed …
Just heard from talented young filmmaker, James Findlay (he of ‘Vend’), that preproduction is about to start on ‘Sisters’. This is a short film based on my first Daily Cabal story ‘Sunday Drivers’. My friend Mark Kassab (talented screenwriter) wrote the script. Can’t wait to see how it turns out 🙂
Sunday Drivers
The dead girl sits in the passenger seat, watching
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Cory Doctorow vs Booklifenow: Vertical vs Horizontal Learning
No, it’s not a smackdown between Doctorow and VanderMeer (although I reckon we could sell tickets to that … mmm), but a meditation on the difference between the long-term strategic career plan and the more immediate finishing a project at hand plan.
Cleverness abounds.
At last, Booklife has gone live … which is not to say it was dead before … coz that would imply it’s some kind of Frankensteiny, reanimated, zombie thingy. Which it’s totally not! It’s BOOKLIFENOW.COM from Jeff VanderMeer and Matt Staggs – Strategies and Survival Tips for the 21st-Century Writer. I read the book and use many of
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I Feel I Must Draw Attention to This
Amal El-Mohtar (she of a cool name, Goblin Fruit and much writing loveliness) is responsible for the below story at Strange Horizons. Her writing frequently sings … in short, awesome sauce.
And Their Lips Rang with the Sun
Look at them! Are they not beautiful? Had cinnamon been ground
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On the Winning of Awards and Prizes
I’ve been hearing a lot of noise lately (for noise, read bleating) from people who’ve not won the competitions they entered or not been short-listed for something or other. The fact that I’m annoyed enough to write this should tell you how often I’m hearing this!
Yes, I understand there is disappointment when you don’t get what you thought you might
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