Monthly Archives: March 2016

In which there are things

HachetteVigilThing the first: tonight I am chatting to Ben Aaronovitch about The Rivers of London, Doctor Who, Blake’s 7, and writing stuff. Tickets are still available … but hurry!

Thing the second: the ARCs of Vigil have arrived in Australia. They are hanging out in Sydney at the Hachette offices, no
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My Contact2016 Schedule

contactWell, the NatCon is just around the corner! It’s actually just waiting in the milkbar, filling up on thickshakes, until the curtains go up. I’ll be there and my schedule is below. Come up and say “hello”.

My Contact 2016 schedule:

Thursday 24 March

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And over at Smash Dragons …

SorrowsandSuch_FINAL_hires… the lovely Matthew Summers kindly asked me some excellent questions, which I have answered to the best of my limited and extremely flippant abilities! (Look at all these posts! Can you tell that (a) I finally finished
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The Female Factory …

FemaleFactory-cover… also gained praise from the delightful Peter Tennant in Black Static #51 (and yes, you should still subscribe).

Peter says of the titular story, “The Female Factory”:

Finally we have title story ‘The Female Factory’, which is set in
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In Black Static #51 …

SorrowsandSuch_FINAL_hires… Peter Tennant says lovely things about Of Sorrow and Such!

Of Sorrow and Such is a superb work of fiction, one that contains within its pages a gripping story, but at the same time has much to tell
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Over at Cultured Vultures …

writing-in-a-notebook… I talk Networking.

Specifically, I offer my top five tips for navigating the minefield that is networking as a writer.

“Networking” isn’t a dirty word. Unfortunately, sometimes it feels dirty. Some writers will tell you that the entire idea of networking
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Five Misunderstood Witches

SorrowsandSuch_FINAL_hiresOver at the Barnes & Noble Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog I talk about my picks for the Most Misunderstood Witches in Fantasy.

Molly Weasley, in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series
Don’t, whatever you do, be fooled
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The Rivers of London: Talking to Ben Aaronovitch

contactOh, my poor neglected blog. I’ve been finishing Corpselight – which is done. An ugly first draft, but done. Editing begins next week.

But the important thing is that Contact 2016 is coming up AND I get to host the In Conversation event
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