Tag Archives: little red riding hood

The Horror Story We All Know: Stephen Graham Jones on Little Red, Paths, and American Backpackers

This is a fantastic essay by the amazing Stephen Graham Jones on age-old horror.

So two guys are walking across the moors.

Yeah, you’ve heard this one.

Couple of young Americans are backpacking through Europe, and they duck in out
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Harry Markov on Red Skein

“Red Riding Hood” photography by Rebeca Saray

“Red Riding Hood” photography by Rebeca Saray

Over at his Alternative Typewriter, Haralambi Markov takes his scalpel to “Red Skein”, my version of Little Red Riding Hood from The Girl With No Hands
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Michael Marshall Smith: Look Inside

newpicturethree.jpg_effectedAs well as being in the running for the Most Intriguing Opening Sentence Award, Michael Marshall Smith is one of the Fearie Tales authors. Today he chats about Little Red Riding Hood, the eternal verities of human nature, and
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Okay, so my first experiment in digital publishing is up at Smashwords.

T’is Black-Winged Angels, the short story collection of reloaded fairytales I wrote for my MA. We’ll see how this goes – i.e. how well I’ve managed to follow the technical’ish requirements (thanks to Alan Baxter for tips!) – and then Sourdough & Other Stories will be next.

My Significant Other did the
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The Chosen Girl – Happily Never After

This is a little something extracted from my Masters thesis, Black-Winged Angels: Theoretical Underpinnings (which is a collection of nine reloaded fairytales and an accompanying exegesis). It’s just lying around, so why not post it here? Complete with dodgy bibliography
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The Call of Nature

Those of you who know me at all well will recall that I have a nodding acquaintance with Nature. That basically means I nod to it as I stand on a verandah with a gin and tonic in my hand,
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For I Am a Nerd

… and I love this stuff. Thanks to Brain #2 for the linkery

The Wicked Witch has Hansel caged

Once upon a time there was a world of tragic princes who had been transformed into small amphibians, beautiful princesses who were temporarily languishing in a life of drudgery, unprepossessing trolls with rights-of-way issues, and a
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