Tag Archives: horn
Super Useful
Yes, from the man who brought you Unicorns Doing Horrible, Horrible Things comes a most useful post about Plot. Thanks, Peter M. Ball.
I am currently printing this out and sticking it on my wall.
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And so, no, I do not have a Ditmar :-D
Last night’s phone call from Pete, saying I had a Ditmar made my spidey senses tingle with wrongness and I thought ‘wind-up’.
In the end not quite, but rather drunken confusion from others that ‘nominated’ meant ‘won’. (Not Pete’s fault – he did indeed win a well-deserved Ditmar for Horn). So much laughter and derision this morn – and Cat Sparks
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The Twelfth Planety Drive-by: Alisa Krasnostein
Alisa Krasnostein is the unsleeping powerhouse that is the engine of Twelfth Planet Press. Really, she doesn’t sleep – email her at any hour of the day or night and she’ll reply. Go ahead. Try it. See? Told ya.
TPP has produced
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My last hurrah over at Ecstatic Days
Thanks to Jeff VanderMeer for letting me blogsit over at the memory cathedral. Less thanks for leaving me with Evil Monkey, although I understand why no kennel would take him.
This evening I had the weekly write-club session with my writing buddy Peter M. Ball (the man who committed the novella Horn). I went back over the novel, which I’ve not
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We are writers for many reasons …
… one of those reasons may be that, without the dubious protection of our writer tag, the rest of society would lock us up for posts like this, in which we replace psychotic cats with sociopathic bears:
Peter wakes up to find the Spokesbear sitting on his chest, staring him in the face.
Spokesbear: Time to work.
Peter: Fuck off.
Spokesbear: You’re not sick anymore.
Peter: I
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Tonight …
… there is Write-Club.
Yes, welcome to the glamorous world of my Friday night, when Peter M Ball and I sit in a selected lounge room, laptops at the ready, more blocks of choclit than one can shake a stick at, and we …
Well, we write. That’s it. We catch up in the first hour and eat dinner, trade gossip, market
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Can you keep a secret?
Well, honestly, if the answer is “Yes”, then go away – don’t want your kind here :-).
Because this needs to get out!
Twelfth Planet Press is doing an awesome thing for 2011.
“Even more awesome than Horn, Siren Beat/Roadkill, Glitter Rose, New Ceres Nights, Sprawl, Robot War Espresso, 2012, Book
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You can't go past CatBlogs!
Writer Peter M. Ball, author of the notorious Horn and my write-club collaborator, is house-sitting … and cat-sitting … cat-blogging in order to cope. It’s worth a re-post:
Part the first
The Cat: Feed Me!
Peter: There’s food in your bowl.
The Cat:
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Insert fanfare here
Ze cover for Peter M Ball’s new novella, Bleed – the novella-formerly-known-as-Cold Cases. Or ?. This is the follow-up to the awesome Horn.
For ten years ex-cop Miriam Aster has been living with her one big mistake – agreeing to kill three men for the exiled Queen of Faerie. But when
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