… I chat to my friend and fellow writer, Azra Alagic (auttor of Not Like My Mother) about writing, changing career directions, and collaborations without tears.
Today I chat with award winning speculative fiction writer Angela Slatter who has recently launched her new book, a joint production with Lisa L Hannett, called Midnight and Moonshine.
1. When we first met you were wanting to write chiclt ‘with a brain’ as you called it yet here you are an award winning fantasy writer. What triggered you to write fantasy?
I think when I started out I was really just looking for a place to start and to hone my craft. I’ve written all my life in one form or another and at the time chic-lit seemed to be a good place to start. All writers eventually find their own voice, but when you’re starting out (as in, 2004 was the year I decided to be serious about my writing and to try and make a career of it), chic-lit seemed to offer me the place to start working in a sense that it felt like clay I could work with and mould to my will! It felt like a genre I could work on and that I felt I could add something different to.? When I wanted to apply for the MA program, my supervisor at the time suggested I try a chic-lit fairy tale … in the end, the fairy tale part appealed to me a hell of a lot more, not the least because I loved the dark under tones. I realised I didn’t want to write light and fluffy and clever! I wanted to write dark and disturbing and clever. So, here I am, almost nine years down the track, with a very firm voice and some genre real estate that’s very much my territory.
The rest is here.
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