Ikea + Whirlpool = a gigantic blackhole of customer service

When we bought the Whirlpool fridge on Saturday from Ikea, it seemed too good to be true. A 3.5 star energy rated fridge for $499.00.

The sticker on the fridge did indeed say 3.5 stars.

The one that was just delivered has 1.5 stars.

So, I rang Ikea and spoke to Sri, who insisted “Yes, it’s a 3.5 star” and then told me to call Whirlpool.

I duly did that and spoke to the delightful Monica, who said ‘Sometimes they change’ and hung up on me while I was looking for the Whirlpool product number. Thank you, that was a special piece of customer service I will always cherish.

I then phoned Whirlpool back and spoke to Ann and mentioned Monica’s special work and then gave details to Ann of the issue. Ann took this all down and transferred me to the Ikea Services team, with the reassurance that if the call dropped out, I would be called back in half an hour.

I got transferred to Selke at Ikea, to whom I had to tell the story for the fourth time and who promptly transferred me to Services and the call dropped out.

Candy from Whirlpool just phoned me and I told her the story for the fifth effing time. She was very nice. She is going to try and get us a solution.

Two thumbs down to both Ikea and Whirlpool for customer service.

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