In the mail …

65377_10151394475322304_735512060_nIn yesterday’s mail, my author copies of One Small Step from FableCroft.

This is the first Australian, all-female, speculative fiction anthology since 1995’s She’s Fantastical.

The ToC is awesome and there’s a giveaway on Goodreads.

“Sand and Seawater” by Joanne Anderton & Rabia Gale

“Indigo Gold” by Deborah Biancotti

“Firefly Epilogue” by Jodi Cleghorn

“The Ways of the Wyrding Women” by Rowena Cory Daniells

“The ships of Culwinna” by Thoraiya Dyer

“Shadows” by Kate Gordon

“By Blood and Incantation” by Lisa L. Hannett & Angela Slatter

“Ella and the Flame” by Kathleen Jennings

“Original” by Penny Love

“Always Greener” by Michelle Marquardt

“Morning Star” by DK Mok

“Winter’s Heart” by Faith Mudge

“Daughters of Battendown” by Cat Sparks

“Cold White Daughter” by Tansy Rayner Roberts

“Baby Steps” by Barbara Robson

“Number 73 Glad Avenue” by Suzanne J Willis

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