On Boundaries and the Internet

Having just had a fairly unpleasant experience, I feel moved to post a few guidelines for internet etiquette.


1. Just because you can’t see the person and they can’t see you, doesn’t mean manners go out the window.

2. Don’t say something to someone on the t’intertubes you wouldn’t say to their face.

3. Don’t friend someone on FB, etc, because you think them “pretty or do-able”. And really, really don’t tell them this.

4. Do not ask personal questions about their relationship, residence, family, breast size, etc.

5. Don’t tell this person that you really, really like them and think you’re gonna be besties forever. Do not them try to ask more personal questions on the grounds of the foregoing. You do not have a relationship with this person. You are not friends – anything that occurs in your head, should stay there. Don’t share.

6. It all counts as stalking. It’s revolting. It’s invasive. You don’t have the right to do it.

7. Learn some freaking manners and behave like a civilised human being.

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