Cupcakes by K, once again superb.
First review of Corpselight! And a great one it is, too. All of the lovehearts!
Five out of five caramel marshmallow logs!
If you haven’t read the first of the ‘Verity Fassbinder’ series, ‘Vigil’, then you’re going to miss something of the story. Definitely read ‘Vigil’ first- which means putting aside two days to binge read if you’re that kind of reader. Normally I’d hesitate to say it, but a warning is necessary here: if you think you’re going to be able to put ‘Corpselight’ down and go about your day, or read a chapter a night, you might want to practise your fake-sick ‘reader flu’ voice before you get started. You might just need it.
The rest is here.
Thanks, Kylie Thompson!