Autographed copies of Corpselight and Restoration

Well, it looks like Restoration – the third Verity Fassbinder book – is out of print. You can still find it in a few places, but if anyone would like an autographed copy I have a few on the shelves. Shipping for Australia ONLY because the price for overseas is ridiculous.

I’ve got:

· 2 x trade paperbacks: $30.00 per book + postage $15.00 = $45.00

· 6 x B format/MMP: $20.00 per book + postage $15.00 = $35.00

To note: if you buy multiple copies, the postage will be recalculated.

I also have 2 x B format/MMP of Corpselight (the second Verity Fassbinder book): $20.00 per book + postage $15.00 = $35.00.

Email on if you’re interested!

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