In which North Yorkshire refuses to feed us

And so, after arriving at an expensive B&B which was not prepared for us (more of that tomorrow), we set off at 6.00 to try and find dinner. We do not smell bad, we look normal’ish and we have money.

The Italian restaurant in a nearby village, which had 8 free and empty tables, could not possibly fit us in until 7.30.

The pub near it smelled like arse and was filled with folk who gave us the ‘this is a local pub for local people’ stink eye.

Then there was the pub at the next village which, despite having put out all its “Food!” signs, actually had no food coz they had run out of gas with which to cook said food.

In utter despair we headed towards Escrick – to find the Most Awesome Thai Restaurant in the World. 

Thanks, Sangthai – you fed us, restored our faith in food and hospitality, and generally provided a welcome that’s been sadly lacking in this part of the country.


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