One of the excellent FableCroft Publishing’s 2016 projects is the In Your Face anthology, a collection of original and reprinted provocative spec-fic stories. The pozible campaign has reached its original goal (very quickly!), but there are stretch goals, people, so throw some spare shekels here.
My “Home and Hearth” (originally published as a limited edition chapbook by Spectral Press in the UK) is one of the reprints. It’s a pretty confronting story and Tehani asked what was the genesis of the tale.

Original chapbook art
It began when Simon of Spectral asked if I’d write a ghost story for his chapbook range. I’d had some ideas floating around about very young murderers and I guess it was time to put those into print because I started seeing the protagonist Caroline in my head, and her dreadful son Simon, and the little Romany ghost-boy. I’ve always wondered about parents whose children kill: what do they do? Go to any lengths to protect their little monster, or decide they’re responsible for protecting the world. I wondered what it must do to you, to know that this is your baby, they come from you and yet they’ve done something dreadful that you’d never dream of doing … what does it to do your sense of self? I wondered about what the lives of such parents become.
And Home and Hearth was born.