More on the Otter front

It’s the end of the year … like many folk, my exhaustion levels are very, very high … so I’m finding a lot of things either hysterically funny, or tragically melancholy. On the hysterically funny side, are the number of otter-related comments I’ve been getting since the “I am sure I have a pet otter” dream. This has included Jeff VanderMeer’s warnings about rabid otters and my mum texting me to say there had been a news report about people being attacked by otters in the US (not Jeff VanderMeer). And that’s the otters attacking people, not Jeff attacking people.

I think we may be seeing the Rise of the Otter … Jason Fischer claimed the Age of the Puffin was upon us, but I posit that the Otter is, in fact, in ascent. Bow down to our otter overlords, people!

And wear this t-shirt:

T-shirt from my new favourite place, TopatoCo. I still love you, ThinkGeek, but we need a little time apart.

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