Woohoo! It’s almost that time of the year again, time for the writers to take over the city!
I’ll be doing some great gigs with BWF this year:
Friday 9 Sept Brisbane’s Most Wanted is a reading session with Caroline Overington, Justin Cronin, Gary Kemble, and yours truly. 5.30pm on Maiwar Green.
Sat 10 Sept BWF in the ‘Burbs: Mitchelton Library I’ll be talking about my debut novel Vigil at 10am.
Sat 10 Sept Overlords and Underworlds Justin Cronin, Candice Fox and I will be talking stuff at 5.30pm.
Sunday 11 Sept I’ll be talking Vigil with the wonderful Gary Kemble at 2.30pm.
For more BWF/UpLit goodness, go here.