Forgive me, I am having a slow start to the year and should have pointed this out days ago … the talented Aliette de Bodard has her debut novel coming out this year via Angry Robot (Note for nerds: HarperCollins’ new spec-fic imprint; also publishes Kaaron Warren).
Servant of the Underworld is the first book in the triology. If you’ve not read anything by Aliette (and this would surprise me … she’s been everywhere for the last couple of years – honestly, where have you been???), then grab her debut novel. Also, seek out her short fiction, which is always rewarding (Shimmer, Asimov’s, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Interzone – all have had the good taste to publish her work).
Aliette posts over at her website about the setting of the series and the Aztec history that underlays the story (which makes me happy as both history-nerd and reader-nerd) …
Obsidian and Blood setting, 1: the Valley of Mexico
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