So, I've been thinking …

… about evolution and because it’s me, it’s not about the usual, ordinary, everyday kind of evolution. It’s about the evolution of monsters. The question I put to y’all is this:

Are we soon to see the Zombie Superhero?

Or has there already been one? I’ve seen some Marvel Zombies stuff in my surfing of t’intertubes, but did not find it convincing.

Talk among yourself, discuss, debate and get back to me.

Vampires used to be scary (as per BDC’s most excellent post Now they’re cuddly, if a little bitey (rather like a Bonsai Tiger*). But there’s also the vampire-as-superhero iteration – where we shifted from bitey-and-nasty to bitey-but-tries-to-do-good (Forever Knight, Angel, Blood Ties, Twilight). The Neutered Vamprie, really, not much of a threat at all.

So is the zombie soon to undergo this evolution/transformation/transubstantiation? Or is rotting flesh and a tendency to eat brains just never gonna be sexy enough? Deal breakers?

Thoughts? Comments?


* ™ C M Sutton, circa 1998.

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