The delightful Marshall Payne interviews me over at his Super-Sekrit Clubhouse. There are also some awesome interviews with Amal El-Mohtar, Mike Allen, Vylar Kaftan and more.
Angela Slatter has recently been singled out by Jeff VanderMeer as an emerging writer of note in his Mammals Underfoot! group interview at Clarkesworld. She has sold fiction to Fantasy Magazine, Shimmer, Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet, among others, and recently garnered four Honorable Mentions in Ellen Datlow‘s The Year’s Best Horror (2008). She lives in Brisbane, Australia and is currently working on her degree in Creative Writing. You can follow Angela’s exploits and keen wit on her blog The Bones Remember Everything. I am pleased to have her answer a few questions for my Clubhouse interview series.
The rest lives here
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